Multiplication methods this week in Owl class. Year 4 working confidently with the short method of multiplication and solving problems in context. Year 3 using number lines, the distributive law and moving to the more formal method of recording multiplication. They have worked hard on this all week. Well done.
In science the class have been thinking about how to classify animals and this week used the term vertebrates and invertebrates. Can Owls remember what they mean? The class also made a branching diagram and thought about the questions they could ask to sort different animals. Next week we are going on a minibeast hunt to look for invertebrates!
Writing this week has focused on planning our stories. Some brilliant descriptive writing has been part of our learning journey and the use of a story map to plan from has helped to create ideas for our ‘Journey’ stories.
We also spent time writing letters to Ufton Court to say thank you to the guides for a wonderful day.