Year 2
Hello, welcome to the learning page for the Kingfishers class.
Kingfishers Team
Miss Rignall (Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs am) Mrs Simpson-Jones (Thurs pm, Fri)
Mrs Dale Mrs Woodward
Equipment list:
Please make sure your child has the following equipment with them in school for the needed days:
Monday - Come into school dressed in P.E. Kit, library book, completed reading record, trainers (to change into), a named water bottle and a spare pair of socks.
Tuesday - Completed reading record, trainers (to change into), a named water bottle and a spare pair of socks.
Wednesday - Completed spelling homework, completed reading record, trainers (to change into), a named water bottle and a spare pair of socks.
Thursday - Completed reading record, trainers (to change into), a named water bottle and a spare pair of socks.
Friday - Come into school dressed in P.E. Kit, completed reading record, trainers (to change into), a named water bottle and a spare pair of socks.
For supporting your child’s reading should have two reading books from school and should read for 15 minutes each day, 5 times a week.
Reading records are used to record what has been read each day and any words that were read confidently or some that may have proved more tricky can also be noted down.
The VIPERS reading comprehension skills are attached below to help support your child in asking questions about the text.
For support in your maths you are given the number facts you need to know. At the bottom, there are key tips. It is so important to build on key facts so that they can be quickly recalled.
Weekly spelling homework will be set on a Thursday and returned on a Wednesday.
Here is a list of all the Year 1 and Year 2 common exception words in case your child wants to practise reading and writing some more!
In our spelling lessons, we use a variety of strategies such as: