Starting to feel very festive.

The children enjoyed a lovely time at the Watermill theatre last week. The Jungle Book was wonderfully staged and we all loved the songs. It was such a treat to be able to go on a trip as a school and make a start on the Christmas festivities.

The children in Owl class have been busy learning songs for the carol concert. They sing with such joy and have shown a great attitude towards learning a new hymn (to some) with some particularly tricky words and phrases.

Science fun and learning, making string telephones and thinking about how to alter pitch. The children investigated high and low pitch using a variety of instruments, it was a noisy but productive afternoon!

Over the last few weeks lots of new spelling rules and some recapping of old spelling rules and sounds has been a focus. The children love using different ways to remember their spellings and in school we use lots over the week. Pyramid writing, chain letter writing, removing the vowels, drawing on people’s backs and of course practising out loud with one another are just a few strategies.

The Christingle service in the village this week is another mark of advent. All the children made Christingles in class and discussed what each part represents.

We have lots planned in class to ensure the children have a lovely run in to Christmas. If you have any spare old t-shirts for painting please send them in next week. Many thanks.