School Development Plan
Priority 1: Quality of Education
1. Where progress gaps exist in reading, writing and maths, the gap is identified and addressed effectively.
2. Our school has a broad and balanced curriculum that is ambitious and ensures the rounded development of the whole child through academic achievement and spiritual development. SIAMS Strand 2
3. Our school has a home learning platform that ensures remote education is integrated into school curriculum planning.
Priority 2: Behaviour and attitudes
1. Our pupils’ attitudes to their education are positive.
2. Our pupils say how the school’s Christian vision and associated values help them to make positive choices about how they live and behave. SIAMS Strand 3
Priority 3: Personal Development
1. All our pupils know how to keep physically and mentally healthy.
2. The school has in place effective systems for the early identification of issues connected to mental health and wellbeing. SIAMS Strand 4
3. Our school has an effective Relationships and Health Education policy.
Priority 4: Leadership and Management
1. The distinctive Christian nature of the schools’ vision remains discernible and is effectively applied by all. SIAMS Strand 1
2. Our curriculum leaders can describe the intent and implementation of their subject area across the school and take the responsibility for monitoring and evaluating the impact and design the next steps.