
Shefford Site

  • 8.30am Children may be dropped off at school from 8.30am.

  • 8.45am Children line-up and enter the school with staff

  • 8.50am Official start of the school day

  • 9.00am Official close of register

  • 10.30am Morning break

  • 10.45am Start of lessons

  • 12.00am Lunch (Robin Class)

  • 12.15am Lunch (Owl and Red Kite classes)

  • 3.15pm Children will be escorted - either to the minibus or their taxi or to their Parent or Carer.

Chaddleworth St Andrew’s School Site

The Chaddleworth school site is used as a break out space for learning. For example, it was used for a Mental Health project, building resilience for children in Year 5 and 6. Drama workshops and music lessons have also taken place at Chaddleworth and we store learning resources in the library so that they are easily accessible for our two year curriculum cycle.

School bus times

The bus goes between the Chaddleworth and Shefford sites. 

  • 8.25am Bus leaves Chaddleworth School

  • 8.45am Approx time the bus arrives at the Shefford site.

  • 3.15pm Bus leaves Shefford site

3.35pm Approx time bus arrives at Chaddleworth School

