September sunshine

Computing and internet safety have been discussed in Owl class this week and over the course of the term. E-safety is always an on-going theme. We know that passwords keep information secure and that there are many ways to stay safe whilst using technology and the internet.

We answered the question ‘Why did the Romans want to invade Britain?’ In class we discussed many reasons such as the farming land, the rich natural resources and the fact that the Romans wanted revenge on Britain for helping Gaul. It did take the Roman army three attempts to invade but they eventually managed with a strong fleet of ships and 50,000 soldiers!

We are enjoying finding out about the Hindu faith and the beliefs and customs that form the religion. We have designed Henna prints and have researched some of the Hindu deities. The stories are vivid and colourful such as the story of Lord Ganesh.

At the start of the week we completed our hot tasks in English, writing about a setting using descriptive language. We are now starting to think about writing our own version of the story ‘Escape from Pompeii’ and completed a story map to support our story planning and writing.

Lots more problem solving in maths this week using our place value knowledge. We are able to compare and order numbers and consider why this is an important maths skill we use in every day life. The use of stem sentences to help us reason and frame an answer are being used.

In design and technology we made a series circuit and checked our circuits for any faults. Everyone managed to light the bulb and this will be used in our DT project to design a light house.