Languages - French
“A high-quality languages education should foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. The teaching should enable pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing.”
(National Curriculum 2014 )
Curriculum Cycle A 2021 - 2022 Curriculum Cycle B 2022 - 2023
Languages Curriculum Statement
At Chaddleworth St. Andrew’s and Shefford Federated Primary Schools, we believe that learning a language enriches the curriculum helping to create enthusiastic learners and to develop positive attitudes to language learning throughout life. The skills, knowledge and understanding gained contribute to the development of children’s oracy and literacy and to their understanding of their own culture and those of others.
It is therefore, our intent, that all children will make substantial progress in one language throughout their time in our school, lessons will be delivered by a specialist teacher to ensure the highest quality of teaching is accessible to all. Our curriculum is ambitious, coherently planned and sequenced. It enables all our children to understand and communicate ideas, facts and feelings in speech and writing. We aim to introduce the learning of the French language and the understanding of its culture in an enjoyable and stimulating way, embedding the essential skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing.
When children leave our school, we believe they will have developed a natural curiosity and confidence, as well as an embedding of our Christian Value of Courage to go forward and explore other countries, cultures and languages. We aim to prepare children for the KS3 language curriculum to enable them to transfer confidently and successfully.
Our Languages curriculum is designed to develop our children’s language skills and also their love of learning a language. It progressively develops language skills through regularly taught lessons. This allows the children to acquire new language then use and apply it in a range of different scenarios and topics. Children are encouraged and supported to develop their speaking and listening skills through conversational work, singing activities and games. As their confidence and skill grows, children record their work through pictures, captions and sentences.
All children from EYFS through to Year 6 have regular language lessons with a Languages specialist teacher.
Through the high quality first teaching of French taking place we will see the impact of the subject in the following ways:
Children will be able to communicate with each other in French
Children will develop their language through development of the four key skills of speaking, listening, reading and writing
Children will enrich their language learning by developing an understanding of the French culture
Children will learn how language skills can be applied to a range of languages
Children will transfer to KS3 effectively and successfully and will be well prepared to continue and develop their language skills
Children will engage and perform in a whole class item during French week in the Summer Term
Pupil voice is also used to further develop the Language curriculum. This is achieved through subject leaders spending time discussing French with a range of children.