A celebration of Harvest and the changing of the seasons marked the start of the week.
Owl class performed a poem creating their own actions and reading and performing with expression for our Harvest assembly. They were brilliant. We also enjoyed sampling some of the delicious produce grown in the school garden, the beetroot and corn were firm favourites!
We considered the question ‘How did the Romans change Britain and how do we know?’ We thought about the evidence historians use and look for and discussed what evidence in our locality there was to show the impact of the Romans. Of course we arrived at the conclusion that the Romans built towns and roads! Owl class used technology such as Google maps to find road systems that we still travel along today and towns that are near to us. Ermin street and Silchester show the links to the past. We are now looking forward to our trip to the Littlecote mosaic on Monday afternoon.
Visitors from Newbury Astronomical society came in to talk to us about the solar system and constellations we see in the night sky. Owl class used their knowledge of how light travels and can be reflected to safely look at a reflection of the sun and see sun spots. We also enjoyed looking at the moon through a very powerful telescope (despite it being an image rather than the real thing). We learnt a great deal and enjoyed the talk.