Personal, Social and Health Education
Curriculum taught according to age and also stage of development
At Chaddleworth St Andrew’s and Shefford C.E. Primary Schools, we want our pupils to have the knowledge and understanding to be able to play an active, positive, and successful role within their community, in today’s diverse society. We encourage them to be excellent communicators who are confident to share informed views and opinions and also weigh up the views and opinions of others in order to keep themselves safe. We want all our pupils to have high aspirations, resilience, self-awareness and self-worth that values their own uniqueness.
Our PSHE curriculum develops learning and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills which will enable pupils to access the wider curriculum and prepare them to be a global citizen now and in their future roles within a global community. It promotes the spiritual, moral, social, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils, preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for later life. Our Relationships and Sex Education enables our pupils to learn how to be safe, and to understand and develop healthy relationships, both now and in their future lives.
Teaching Time
PSHE is taught as a discrete subject in all year groups. Aspects of PSHE learning are also embedded through everyday opportunities at school and across the curriculum.
The school uses the Jigsaw programme curriculum which is based on six core themes:
Being Me in My World (Autumn Term 1)
Celebrating Difference (Autumn Term 2)
Dreams and Goals (Spring Term 1)
Healthy Me (Spring Term 2)
Relationships (Summer Term 1)
Changing Me (Summer Term 2)
The curriculum is made bespoke to the cohort and individuals, depending on the outcomes of the baseline assessment.
Through Personal, Social, Emotional Development children are supported to build constructive and respectful relationships that allow them to play, learn and develop alongside both adults and their peers. As children make friendships they learn to manage conflicts and rivalries with the support of adults. Children are empowered to envisage themselves as valuable individuals who are aware of what makes them unique. In the Early Years children are encouraged to express their feelings and adults carefully model the handling of these feelings and emotions to support children in becoming independent in moderating their own feelings. Children are taught to manage their own physical needs and understand the importance of respecting others privacy. A large part of the curriculum in the Early Years supports the developing resilience within young children, children are encouraged to persevere to meet their goals and targets. As a part of the learning journey experienced in the Early Years developing the understanding of rules and routines is an integral part that runs parallel to all.
PSHE provides excellent planned opportunities for the use of Oracy skills. PSHE planning will take this into account along with the need for the pre-teaching of vocabulary in order to ensure access to the curriculum for all.
Progression is planned through the units, building on previous knowledge and skills.
PSHE education covers issues and areas of life which children and young people will be affected by in different ways and at different times. As such we cannot make any assumptions based on pupils’ age or year group about their existing knowledge, understanding, attributes, skills, strategies, beliefs and attitudes. So to assess learning and progress effectively, each unit begins with a baseline assessment to establish existing knowledge, understanding, attributes, skills, strategies, beliefs and attitudes and each unit ends in an activity to demonstrate learning e.g. a presentation, development of an answer to a key question, problem solving a scenario. These are matched to ‘I can…’ statements for each Key Stage and Theme.
Pupils will each make progress relative to their own individual starting point. We strive to ensure that by the end of their time with us at Chaddleworth St Andrew’s and Shefford C.E. Primary Schools each child will:
Be able to recognise, understand and manage their own emotions
Understand who they can rely on and ask for support.
Look after their own mental health and ask for support where necessary.
Be on their way to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
Recognise differences and have an understanding of diversity.
Apply learnt skills in real life situations
Demonstrate self-confidence and self-esteem.
Have developed and maintained healthy relationships with peers and adults.
Understand the physical aspects involved in the teaching of RSE at the level appropriate to them as an individual.
Show respect to themselves and others.
In order to achieve this the PSHE co-ordinator and the Senior Leadership Team take responsibility for the monitoring of the PSHE curriculum and the standards achieved by the children. The PSHE co-ordinator will monitor for appropriate pitch and progression. This monitoring takes the form of one or more of the following:
1. lesson observations and feedback
2. learning walks and pupil voice conversations
3. planning scrutiny followed by support where necessary
4. book looks
5. data analysis