Owl class have been learning about the Roman Empire and the countries that were invaded. They used atlases to identify countries and coloured in the Empire at the height of its power. The children also investigated why the Roman Army was strong and able to win many battles. They came up with five reasons and were impressed to learn that the Roman army had its own fitness regime!
In science the class answered the question ‘Which colour material would make the best coat to wear at night?’ The children made predictions from a range of colours and then investigated which colours reflected light and which colours absorbed light. Everyone agreed that the results proved that their prediction of bright colours especially yellow, white and metallic silver were the best choice as they reflected light.
Prepositions are forming part of the writing toolkit in Owls. Children have been thinking about describing scenes and situations using prepositional language such as below, towards, underneath and in turn developing more descriptive sentences.
In guided reading the children have been focusing on inference skills. Looking for clues and reading between the lines to find meaning. There have been some tricky questions but the children are persevering.
Number lines! The skill of identifying the intervals along a number line and the values they represent has been taught in class. This has helped the children to then identify where numbers sit on a number line further securing place value concepts. The children were then set 2dos to complete on the computers to apply their knowledge and understanding.
Lots of activity in PE this week. Tag rugby skills are being developed for our outdoor games session and team building activities and gymnastics in the hall on a Thursday.
Have a good weekend everyone.