Owls have had a variety of activities and learning opportunities this week.
English learning has focused on powerful verbs and effective ways to write descriptions. We have used the thesaurus to find synonyms and applied them in our writing. We created a list of twelve different words for ‘shake’ and wrote poems about earthquakes.
Place value has been the theme for our maths learning this week and will continue over the coming weeks. Lots of problem solving in class and use of equipment to help us with our explanations so that we feel confident we can answer the question ‘How do you know…?’ and the instruction ‘Prove it!’ One pupil asked the question ‘What does a million look like?’ So we tried to answer it!
Another question we asked this week was ‘Where did the Romans come from?’ We used maps to look for the city and identified the country and continent it is on. Can you remember the country and continent Rome is in? We listened to two different stories about the founding of Rome and considered their value as sources of evidence.
Music this term uses body percussion and our vocal skills. Brilliant singing from Owl class and two new songs which we think will become favourites.
In our science lesson we answered the question ‘What is light?’ using an experiment to identify an object without natural light. We also discussed why the moon, mirror and window are not sources of light.
Please could reading records and reading books be in school every day. Thank you for sending the children in PE kits on a Thursday and Friday, they all looked very smart. Mrs Crawshaw will be teaching in Owl class every Thursday.