Weekend wonder…
I wonder how many jobs you have been doing around your house or how many reads you have been doing (we have suggested 20p per job / read as a conribution towards the fundraising for Trindledown). Can you count your money raised and do you know the value of the coins?
This week
Feeling hot hot hot!
As I type I am singing (and melting). Everyday, we look at the weather forecast and I have to be honest and say that my heart sunk a little when I saw the sunshine and the temperatures that came along with it – that said and despite feeling all hot and bothered the Robins have just kept on going – their endurance (Christian value this term) is certainly worthy of praise and they have been really imaginative in the ways they have managed to cool off.
So what have we explored this week – well firstly I have to say we are now the proud ‘parents’ of frogs – yes our tadpoles have grown and are now frogs. The Robins are absolutely fascinated with them and are keen to check on them every morning and throughout the day – they have even named them all giving careful consideration to each name chosen, they are called – you will never believe it - Dash, Macy, Jackson, Oscar, Alexi etc etc…..
A massive THANK YOU to Mrs Liddiard who regulalrly comes into Robins to support our gardening efforts - take a look below to see how our fruit and vegetables are developing. Another massive THANK YOU to Mr. Bell who came into school one evening (with two special little helpers who were needed for the all important seat height measurement) to put together our new pedal bikes - we have progressed from tricycles to balance bikes and now to pedal bikes!
We have been recapping all our phase 3 sounds – there are only one or two sounds that are proving to be a bit tricky. To help us remember these sounds we have been wearing stickers so that anybody, adult and children in the school, can stop and ask us about the sound – the more we say it the more embedded it becomes and the more we will remember it – little and often. We will also be sending home packs of sound flashcards, these are specific to each child and support their specific learning – if you could do these at home – little and often, it will really help the children become secure in all their sounds and ensure they are confident readers as they move towards Year 1.
In the photo above you may be able to spot our special story sofa - it is so comfy and a great place to share books. With this in mind we would like to swap our Library Book Swap day to a Monday. Therefore, any school library books that come home this week, please can they now be returned on a Moday.
On Tuesday the Red Kites led whole school worship, the subject was around pollution and the amount of rubbish dropped in the environment and the devastating impact this has on nature and wildlife. It was a very powerful message that they sent out and one that you may wish to talk about at home. The Owls have been making some posters which are displayed around the school to reinforce the message.
On Wednesday we headed over to Hawthorne Way to meet Karen and to support the community Rewilding Project. Our contribution came in the way of helping to build a bug hotel. We learnt that the bottom layer is for hedgehogs, the next layer had been created by the pre school and we were to help build the next layer. The vocabulary, language and the understanding that the children demonstrated was fantastic – everyone got stuck in to create one of the best (I would certainly say 5 star) bug hotels I have ever seen! We will be keeping a watchful eye on this development over the next few weeks – if you are out and about in the village, perhaps even at pick up time after school, please walk your child over to the bug hotel and let them tell you all about it. Thank you to Karen for inviting our school to be part of this community project – we love it.
Next week….
In Phonics, we will continue to recap Phase 3 (don’t forget little and often usisng your packs) and reinforce Phase 4 by reading our Yellow books - I am sure you will all continue to support this learning at home too.
In Maths we will be looking at doubles and recalling number bonds to 5…..3 + 2 makes ??? Again, you can ask these questions at home for example if I have 3 apples how many more do I need to make 5 etc.