June brings tulips, lilies, roses,
Fills the children’s hands with posies.
Well I don’t know yet whether the children’s hands will be filled with posies this month but I do know that our hearts are filled with pride.
This last term of the year is always an emotional one for me. When I take time out to reflect, I think about their first few days and weeks and how far they have come in the first year of their school life (yes, I don’t want to speak too soon but for the first time in two years we have managed a full year with no lockdowns). I am so incredibly proud to have watched them learn and develop into the truly amazing people they are.
In our staff meeting on Monday, Mrs Sayer gave us some top tips about the teaching and learnig of Maths, ensuring that what the children learn goes into their long term memory enabling them to recall the information when needed at a later date.
Top Tip - The secret to success is practising little and often.
Therefore for our weekend wonder is….
“I wonder if you could use your dice to help remember your doubles off by heart”
Roll your dice - if it lands on 4 say 4 + 4 makes 8 etc.
You might also want to take a look at the Kirfs for this term and try the activities daily - remeber little and often!
This week, we jumped straight back into our learning – recapping all our phase 3 sounds in phonics and playing dice games in Maths. We spent most of our time outside (looking at the upcoming weather forecast looks like we are in for some beautiful weather so please can your child have a sunhat in school every day).
This week we also introduced ‘silly sentence writing’. We put some objects on a box and the children wrote a sentence to match - we had a lot of fun which helped to keep the children motivated - you might want to try some sentences at home - if you do, send them in and we will stick them up on our writing wall - the sillier the better!
When it comes to producing these class pages, we sift through the photos to show you the activities we engage in every week - what we don’t show you are the ‘bloopers’ the photos that the children take….. so I thought I would include a couple this week…..they do make me laugh!
With the warmer weather lots of jumpers are being taken off – I am sure you can picture the scene (I am sure it goes on at home too), the jumper comes off gets left on the floor and stays there until an adult moves it! With this in mind, please can you double check that all uniform is clearly labelled – fascinatingly, the children tend to identify their jumpers by the smell of their washing up powder or the yoghurt drips down the front – slightly more tricky when this happens before lunch but you get my drift.
Next week
We have come to the end of Phase 3 and will begin Phase 4 next week. In Phase 4 there are no new sounds to learn so we focus on consonant blends such as st, nd, sk, mp. You will have noticed that you have a ‘yellow’ reading book in your reading folders - these yellow books focus on the phase 4 sounds and the ‘red’ books focus on phase 3.
Thank you to everyone who was able to support the junk modelling event and the Church Service in celebration of the Platinum Jubilee