Week ending 24.06.2022

What a week this week !!!!!

Where do we start……well, we shall start with Maths….we were exploring the part part whole model…”3 and 4 are a part of 7”

Next thing we were engrossed with all our learning in Trindledown…

And Shanoa (I hope I have spelt that correctly) popped in to tell us about the Summer Reading Challenge - I hope lots of you get involved - as in previous years, this is always a very well supported and popular event - look out for further information coming home in book bags soon!)

Next we were in sports day……. (with OFSTED thrown into the mix!!!)

Things you don’t perhaps see……all the prep of the all important team posters…..

….the team participation…..

Letting the team know what we represent….

…doing our very best to support our team! We are all in this together!