Before we look back at Term 4 - just a quick heads up on what is coming up in
Term 5.
We will be learning all about Spring turning to Summer and will look closely at all the changes that we will see, smell, hear, taste and feel.
With that in mind does anyboby have any frogspawn that they would kindly bring into school please? Please get in touch and let us know.
Also, if any of you have been busy creating your self portrait masterpieces, please bring them into school when we return.
Take a look at our curriculum map below and the Maths Kirfs - you know how much we like a bit of pre learning!
Goodbye Term 4
Another term has flown by, another term full of learning, laughter, celebrations and fun!
Some of the things we learnt and celebrated….
Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) / Ash Wednesday
St David’s Day
World Book Day
Women’s History Month
Science Week
Handwashing Station
Visitors - PC Lee, Sophia the School Nurse, our very own Mystery Readers
Artist Study - Kandinsky
Forest School
Show and Tell (very popular)
Opening of the running track
Phonics - games / reading / writing
Story Telling
Whole School Pilgrimage
Welly Walks
Junk Modelling (very popular)
St. Patrick’s Day
Planting seeds and potatoes ready for Term 5’s learning
Easter Church Service
Visit from the Easter Bunny and finally…
The Easter Peg Hunt!
(and lots of other learning too….just don’t think we can fit it all nto one page!!!)