Week ending 02.04.2022

April brings the primrose sweet,
Scatters daisies at our feet.

Spring is really here now – we have seen snowdrops, daffodils and buds appearing on the trees, we will certainly be looking out for primroses and daisies over the next few weeks. Ah….that has given me an idea for the weekend wonder challenge.

Weekend Wonder

“I wonder if you can make a daisy chain – have you ever made one before? Try and make one over the next few days and count how many daisies you use – will it be more or less than 10, if you add one more how many will you have altogether?”

This week…..

Hooray! We have the return of the Monday Mystery Reader sessions. This week we welcomed Mrs Powell into the classroom to read a story. The Robins were a wonderful audience, they listened carefully to the story, engaged in meaningful conversation about emotions and were open enough to talk about times when they have felt angry and how they have managed those ‘big feelings’. We have our next Mystery Reader all lined up ready for Monday but of course I can’t reveal who it is as that would spoil the surprise!

In other areas of our learning we have been extremely ‘active’ this week.

We held the official opening of our running track. We came together as a whole school outside, the sports leaders encouraged everyone to participate in the all important warm up session, stretching, jogging, bending and flexing followed by the countdown….the cutting of the ribbon …..and then we were off. A fantastic addition to the school environment that will be very well used.

We also went on a Welly Walk. We headed up the hill opposite the school. Both myself and Miss Reynolds shared many a glance as our hearts burst with pride throughout the climb as the children exchanged the most caring and inspiring comments to each other - words of encouragement that were shared included, “ we do not give up, we can do this”  “we love a challenge and we can do it” “if you need me, I will hold your hand” “I will wait for you while you get the stone out of your shoe” “this is the best day ever” “we are so lucky to be on top of the world”….and many, many, more.

We reached the top of the hill (or the top of the world as we liked to call it) and as pre arranged, we ‘called’ Red Kites on the Walkie Talkies. The Red Kites came rushing out of their classroom onto the school field so they could see us – they waved and shouted to us….we flashed our torches, waved and shouted back. The whole experience brought to the forefront our sense of belonging to the ‘school and community’, the Robins children were proud to see ‘our school, our Red Kites, our freinds, our running track, our field, our village, our petrol station.’

We also notinced that the field looked rather brown from a distance and yet on closer inspection we could see the shoots of the crops just beginning to grow. We will do this walk again after Easter and compare photos to see whether the hill still looks brown - I wonder - will it look the same or different?

In Robins we check the weather forecast every mornig so we feel fully prepared for the days and weeks ahead. When we went on our welly walk we were very lucky with the weather – it was cloudy but stayed dry and then on Thursday it was snowing. On Friday the weather was chilly yet sunny for the pilgrimage. (I think we fully expect April to be full of showers but not snow showers!)

Next Week….

Next week is the final week of this term (don’t forget it is an INSET day on Friday so no school for the children). Please return the packs of tricky words that you have at home so we can update them before the term ends.

In Phonics we will be focussing on the sounds ai, ee, and igh.

Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday.