Welcome Back
Welcome Back 〰️
Welcome back everyone – what a week we have had, so much outdoor learning, well, why not the weather has been glorious and we love our outdoor learning environment, our spectacular school grounds and our beautiful village location – all there on our doorstep and just waiting to be filled and explored by a group of curious minds – yes – us!!!!!
And that is just what our new learning power for this term encourages us to be – Curious. Our Christian Value this term is Wisdom.
Before the Easter break, we asked the children what activities they would like to see in the classroom both inside and out – what a response we had – frogs, bug hotel, mud pies, construction, woodwork, bikes, lights and torches, den building, investigation station, gardening the list goes on, quite a tall order but one that we were excited about rising to and I think we have just about managed to fit it all in. Below are some of the photos that we use to illustrtae to the children how the resources should be tidied away at the end of the day.
And these are the photos of the children in action using the areas!
Thank you for all the self-portraits returned so far – the board is almost full, there is still some space remaining so if you are still creating your masterpiece please bring it in by the end of next week and we will proudly display your portrait in the classroom.
This week we introduced the board game snakes and ladders – the children were desperate to learn to count to 100 – we found it a bit tricky but were determined to give it a go. Playing any board game with dice is great for supporting the children’s understanding of subitising (looking at a group of objects and realising how many there are without counting). Therefore, have a go at this week’s weekend wonder – your child will have brought home a dice in a little bag from school. We have emphasised to the children that the dice is being borrowed and must be returned (we are encouraging their understanding of respecting others property and how to look after something that is important / special).
Weekend Wonder
“I wonder if you can create your own game involving a dice. It could be a board game, a race track, a hopping or jumping game, a sharing game…..anything you like – be imaginative and be creative. Play your game with a family member – photos would be great!
In other areas of learning this week…..
In Phonics…..
In Phonics this week we have been focussing on the trigraph sound ‘igh’ and consolidating our knowledge of all the sounds we have learnt so far.
Next week we will be focussing on sounds…..oa, oi, oo (as in book and oo as in moon).
Have a fantastic Bank Holiday weekend and see you all on Tuesday