Week ending 27.03.2022

I’ve missed you!

Oh my goodness what an unusual few weeks we have had.

Where do we start!

I know let’s start with Science week.

Monday 14th March was the start of Science week and we were ready for Science experiments!  In Robins we continued with our thoughts and discussions from the previous week when we used the handwashing station to find out just how thoroughly we need to wash our hands in order to minimise the spread of germs.

We used certain equipment in order to do our science experiment – we used a tray, pipettes, milk, food colouring, liquid soap and cotton buds.

First we put some milk (representing our hands) in the tray. Next we added a few drops of food colouring (representing the germs) to the milk. This involved some degree of skill and I have to say I was impressed at how controlled the children were – there were no major disasters (I will apologise here to those parents whose children came home with red all over their hands all I can say is that we had an awful lot of fun and we learnt a lot too – even though the children tried to fool me into thinking they had cut their thumbs off!). Finally we added a drop of liquid soap to the milk.

“Wow it’s like an explosion” “It’s like fireworks” “The soap is chasing away all the germs” were just a few of the reactions! Fantastic fun and real moments of awe. We then linked our our Science with Women’s History Month, by learning about the life of Florence Nightingale and the importance of hygiene and cleanliness.

We also discussed the Science week theme of Growth and we wondered how much we would grow over the next few years. To help us with this learning we invited the Red Kites into our classroom – they have grown a lot since they were in Robins! They were all given a piece of string and had to carefully measure the Robins children – from their heads to their toes. We are going to keep these pieces of string in our classroom and every few months we are going to check if we are the same size as the piece of string……we might even keep the string until the Robins are in Red Kites themselves – now wouldn’t that be fun!

Thank you Red Kites!

In other areas of learning…….

phonics games……

applying our phonics to our writing…..

learning to give instructions…..

Experimenting with different materials to build a suitable bridge.

more phonics games……

and to our reading.

and follow instructions to create a desired affect.

and if you need new shoes - why not make a unique pair yourself!

Finally, back to the theme of science week and Growth (I’m not spoiling any surprises by saying this now), we planted a very special sunflower seed for all you special ‘Mums’ for today - we hope you have had a relaxing Mothering Sunday – you deserve it!

I am looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.