Firstly, I want to say thank you for your support and feedback during parents’ evenings this week. It was great being able to meet face to face and discuss the learning so far and the next steps we will be taking.
Your continued support is very much appreciated.
Weekend “I wonder if” challenge….
I wonder if you can go for a walk and look for signs of Spring.
We have chosen this as it will fit in perfectly with our learning next week as we will be going on a welly walk to do just that – look for signs of Spring! You know how much we like to do pre learning strengthening and supporting those connections between home and school learning.
This week’s learning…..
This week we have been very ‘active’. New playground equipment arrived and we were eager to get outside and use it! We also enjoyed ‘hanging’ around on the adventure playground - developing our upper body strength on the bars.
What is the saying…..’one person’s trash is another person’s treasure’, well this week I popped up to our Chaddleworth school site with Mrs Stephenson and I spotted in the corner of the library some pieces of wood not being used. We loaded them into the car, brought them back to the Shefford site and left them outside the Robins classroom. The Robins children spotted them straight away…..they became doors, gates, floors, ramps, a roof, a road – their use was endless – such an open ended resources with multiple uses. A great bit of recycling! Talking of recycling, one of the many uses of the milk bottle tops that you send in was to make a pair of glasses! One of the Robins had been for an eye appointment this week and had a new pair of glasses, this piqued the interest of others and they too had their very own pair of glasses by the end of the day! The milk bottle tops are also used as on / off buttons on many of the creations made in junk modelling!
Our stick insects are thriving!!!! We are taking great care of them ensuring they have fresh food and plenty of water each day. We are extending our vocabulary too – I overheard the word ‘camouflaged’ being used this week!
How are you getting on with the reading challenge? I hope you have been keeping track of all the books you have been reading. We absolutely love library time on Thursday’s….I would like to say it is the only time you can hear a pin drop in our classroom as the children are absorbed in their books, however that is most definitely not the case, they simply love sharing what they see…… ‘oh wow look at this Oscar’, ‘Elizabeth, have you got this in your book’ ‘I had that book last week Sophie, it’s so funny’– they talk non-stop but we love it – they are passionate about their books!
Also on a Thursday Madame Wilson comes into Robins to support our learning of French. As soon as Madame Wilson enters the classroom the children are already asking if they can sing their French songs…even before Madame Wilson has sat down! Here is a recording of one of their favourite songs (I love the enthusiasm in their voices). They might want to sing along at home!
Words are:
Tut, tut montez dans un autobus x3
Et jouez avec moi.
Swish, swish montez dans un autobus x3
Et jouez avec moi.
Saute, saute montez dans un autobus x3
Et jouez avec moi
And finally….some images of our Chinese New Year learning which are on display in the school hall.
Next week……(thank you for letting me know you find this part of the page most helpful!)
In Phonics, we will be starting Phase 3 and focussing on the new sounds j v w x.
Please continue to support this learning with some pre learning at home – can you think of words starting with the sound……j, can you spot w and v in your reading book – where are they in the word – challenge…..can you find a word with x in it?
Sounds taught so far
Phase 2
s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r h b f ff, l,ll,s,ss
Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.