Week ending 18.02.2022


February brings the rain,

Thaws the frozen lake again.

Nowhere does the poem mention a storm!!!!

What a way to end our half term – not our usual way, however, we had a lovely time this morning on Teams seeing you all and hearing all your positivity – you were all so happy!

At the end of each term, we like to post a video highlighting all the learning that has taken place that term but before we watch that video let us have a look at the learning we did this week and of course we need a half term “I wonder if” challenge so here it is….

“I wonder if you can create a self portrait”

Look at yourself in the mirror, what colour are your eyes, your hair, do you have freckles? You may wish to use paints, pens, pencils, pasta, fabrics, junk modelling – be as creative as you like – really express yourself.

Bring in your creations after half term and we will display them all on our board in the classroom – it is empty and ready to be filled with you!

This week’s learning…..

We learnt our new phonics sounds j v w and started our Phase 3 reading books (please support the learning of these new sounds as part of your home learning today).

We introduced our sewing table…..

we marched to the beat in Pantomimus……

we explored Purple Mash……

and made our own play dough!

We also enjoyed some History (please reinforce this vocabulary at home). We learnt that History is something that has already happened, it is in the past and we can’t go back in time but we can learn about it and learn from it.

Our school is 40 years old this month and so we tried to understand what that looked like. We went into the hall, laid out 4 ropes to represent the last 4 decades and placed a table at the end to represent the school building. “Wow, I was not even born” “That is so long ago” were some of the comments.

We were also extremely fortunate to have Mrs. Liddiard come into class and talk to us about her experience of being a pupil in the school when she was younger. We looked at photos from many years ago…….and came up with some brilliant questions. It really brought History to life.

Finally, have a wonderful half term, stay safe and see you very soon.

Enjoy watching some of our learning from this term.