First Full Week

This was our first full week and what a busy week it was.

When you drop your child off in the morning, I am sure you often find yourself missing them and wishing you were a fly on the wall and could see what they do throughout their day. I hope that all the information and photos that we share with you on these pages help you to build a picture of their day and support those all important conversations that you have about their learning.

As the weeks go by, little by little, we introduce new routines that start to shape the structure of our day. This week, we focused on the first part of our morning. As soon as the children come into the classroom, they take out their blue home school book and place it in a basket, wash their hands, find their feeling flower photo and pop it in the flowerpot which represents how they are feeling, find the photo of themselves and place it on the number line – that tells us how many children are in school that day. Monday was day 1 following this routine, by Wednesday, I think all the Robins were following this routine with very little prompting from the adults.

We then sit on our allocated ‘spot’ in the carpet, do the register so that we learn how to greet each other and then order our lunch. We also find out who is the class helper that day (we have a list up in the classroom so that everyone knows when it is their turn). The helper then sends the children off to their free play activities.

Next week, we will introduce a phonics session to our morning routine!

Finding our feeling flower…….

Finding our feeling flower…….

….to show how we feel.

….to show how we feel.

popping it in the pot……

popping it in the pot……

Putting our photo on the number line.

Putting our photo on the number line.

In Robins, we talk a lot about our feelings, it is a very important part of our learning, being able to express how we feel and understanding how others feel. With this in mind, we read the story of the Colour Monster  - by Anna LLenas, a fantastic book all about emotions and feelings - you may want to watch it at home with your child.

On Thursday afternoon we met Madame Wilson, our French teacher. We learnt how to say “My name is……” in French and learnt some songs to help us remember the phrases. We will have French every Thursday afternoon.


In other learning we……

explored light using torches……

explored light using torches……

made some wonderful soup in the home corner……….

made some wonderful soup in the home corner……….

developed our scissor skills

developed our scissor skills

made more potions in the mud kitchen…….

made more potions in the mud kitchen…….

enjoyed drawing and mark making…….

enjoyed drawing and mark making…….

counted the frogs on the lily pads

counted the frogs on the lily pads

took lots of phone messages in the call centre….

took lots of phone messages in the call centre….

and enjoyed fruit and milk…………

and enjoyed fruit and milk…………