Week 3 - Term 1
Hello everyone, how has your weekend been? I have had a very busy weekend seeing family and friends back in Wales – it was a long overdue visit that flew by too fast and one which I thoroughly enjoyed.
But that is just the point – time flies when you’re having fun and that is exactly how we all felt in school this week – we were introduced to more new activities which were great fun and it was Friday before we knew it!
This week………
As I mentioned last week, our morning starts with putting blue books in the basket, feeling flowers in the pot, photos on the self registration number line, onto the carpet for the register and order our lunch. This week we introduced some fine motor activities to our morning routine such as picking up small items using a tweezer, stretching loom bands over the pegs on a geo board, creating pictures using Tap Tap Art – tapping little pins through the holes of the shapes using a small wooden hammer and securing tracing paper over a pattern using small pegs to help keep the paper in place. All these activities support the development of the small hand muscles in readiness for holding pens and pencils using the tripod grip when mark making and writing. If you would like to try any of these activities at home with your child, then please let us know and we can support with ideas and resources.
We also started our Phonics sessions. We started at the beginning with Phase 1, Environmental Sounds. We all made a pair of listening ears and listened carefully to a range of sounds in our sound lotto game and had to try and guess what the sound was. We were also introduced to the sound ‘s’ as in snake and ‘a’ as in ant.
We also listened to sounds outside on our welly walk……..
…..we also managed to pick some raspberries too!
Worship – it was Robins turn to ‘host’ Worship in our classroom. On Tuesday we welcomed the Kingfishers to our shared worship – the theme was Courage and we listened and discussed the story of David and Goliath. We also watched a short video clip of the story, you can share it too with your child at home by following the link below.
We finished off the week with some Cosmic Yoga – we were feeling nice and relaxed ready for the weekend ahead.
Next week…….
We will continue with Phase 1 Phonics – Instrumental sounds and letter sound ‘t’ as in tennis.
Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday.