First two days

Question……..What did you do in school today?


Sound familiar…..well we will let you into a little secret - we have been super busy.

We have been making new friends, learning new names, learning new routines….

We have been answering the phone and taking messages, creating magnetic patterns, cleaning and tidying the home corner - there were a lot of dishes that needed to be washed. We explored the outdoor area and mud kitchen making soups and potions, we enjoyed water play, mixing, pouring and measuring. We picked our own tomatoes for snack time, created an obstacle course, stretched, rolled, cut and squshed the playdough, we played musical instruments, created a train tack, had our first P.E. lesson, rolling, balancing, throwing and catching a quoit and…….very exciting……we had our very first go on the adventure playground equipment - did we enjoy ourselves? Take a look at the video - I think our smiling faces say we most certainy did enjoy ourselves!