It's term 5!

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely Easter holiday.

In Phonics this week we explored how to use an apostrophe for possession.

In maths, we continued with our fractions topic which we started last term. In particular Kingfishers explored how to find a half of a quantity and how to show a quarter of a shape or object. Here are some of the questions where we applied our learning to solve:

In English, we read our new story and used the idea of dragons to start planning our innovated descriptions. Here’s a copy of the story below:

Kingfishers also had lots of different learning this week. In Science we started thinking about our new topic, Living things and their habitats. In Computing, we explored writing algorithms in order to instruct a robot. In Geography, we started our new topic, Magical Mapping. In PSHE, we finished off our topic from last term and explored the difference between learning independently and learning with others. In PE, we started our new topic, Fundamentals, and explored the best techniques for running.