Samba dancing

What an amazing week! We’ve had another busy week with lots of learning.

We took part in a Samba dancing workshop and enjoyed learning all about where it originated from as well as the different steps it incorporates. Here are some of the moments that were captured:

In Phonics this week, we looked at a new sound. We learnt about s making the /zh/ sound like in treasure or television. We also looked at the word beige and ge making the /zh/ sound. There were some incredible sentences in the the homework last week and I look forward to reading this week’s sentences.

In Maths, we started to explore what a fraction is. We discussed the vocabulary whole, part, equal, numerator and denominator, and made links to our multiplication and division learning.

  • The whole has been split into four equal parts.

    If I eat one part, I will have eaten 1/4.

In Science, we explored how plants can grow in different environments and discussed the different plants we are going to see at The Living Rainforest.