My dragon

We’ve had another busy week in Kingfishers this week, so keep reading to find out what we’ve been up to and to meet our new pets!

In English, we gathered our ideas, then planned and wrote a description of a dragon of our choice using the story Tell Me A Dragon for inspiration. Here are some of our ideas and plans:

In Art, we used playdough to practise creating a sculpture of a dragon. We will be developing our sculpting skills this term. Here are some of our dragon sculptures:

The busyness of our week continued in Spelling (Phonics), Science and PSHE.

In Spelling, we looked at the suffixes -ful, -less and -ly and recapped the different spelling rules when adding a suffix to a root word. Kingfishers found out that the suffix -ful is not the full word but the suffix -less is the full word.

In Science, we explored the difference between living, dead and never been alive. We listened to this song, which was written by a group of Year 2 children, and discussed how we know something is living.

We also went on a walk around the school grounds to find things that are living, dead or never been alive. Even though it was raining, we still found several insects.

Finally, in PSHE we have been exploring how we learn with others and last week we worked in groups to try and learn a range of different activities. We learnt 1 to 10 in Mandarin, counting in 2s in French to 20, recited a poem and performed the Macarena.

This week, we looked at and reflected on our perfect “secret garden” that would make us feel happy and calm. We discussed that sometimes we don’t want to be alone so we made desk pets. These desk pets will live on our desks and be there when we need them to help us to think of our happy and calm secret garden.