Our exploring

Kingfishers have had a fantastic week. Have a look below to see what we have been up to.

In English, Kingfishers have been editing their letters and getting them ready to send to the King. Also, we have been exploring how to write a non-chronological report by picking out all the features:

In Maths, we have been comparing and ordering quantities and numbers. We used the mathematical vocabulary of greatest, fewest, more than, less than, ascending and descending for our comparisons.

In our Rekenrek sessions this week we learnt a new word. Look at the image below, what do you think our new word was?

In Topic, we started to design our own maps of Great Shefford. We thought about the symbols we are going to use to represent the different human and physical features in our local area. Next week we will being doing field work as we collect all the information we need to design the rest of our map.

Here are some of the things we got up to on Friday afternoon in the Forest School: