Oracy Challenge (Weekend Wonder)
In Kingfishers, the topic for our weekly Oracy Challenge this week will be the best present ever! You could talk about a favourite present, a present you’ve given someone, a present you’ve made or when you might be given a present.
You can still upload photos to Teams or bring something that you will use to help you talk about the topic.
It has been a lovely week in Kingfishers even with the sun shining!
In phonics this week:
Year 1 have been looking at alternative phonemes for ow (oa), silent letters and doubling the consonant after a short vowel.
Year 2 have been exploring alternative phonemes for ey (ee, ay and e), /or/ after the letter w as ar and /air/ after the letter w as or.
We have been exploring letters in English this week as we gave Little Red Riding Hood some advice on how to reach her Grandmother’s house without the Big Bad Wolf stopping her. We thought about what makes this piece of writing a letter. Why is a letter a letter? What features does it need?
We have been exploring time in Maths. We all looked at the vocabulary o’clock, full turn, hour, minutes, half past and half a turn with Year 2 extending further to look at quarter past, a quarter turn, quarter to and a three-quarter turn. We will use this vocabulary next week when we continue our learning to tell the time.
In RE, we continued to think about our key question: Do we need shared special places? We discussed what special places we have at school and why they are special to us. Can you remember why the reflection area and reading corner are a special place?
In computing, we worked in pairs to create, plan and debut our own algorithms for a floor robot. We thought about which direction we wanted to go in and then planned how many steps are robot should take.