Oracy Challenge (Weekend Wonder)
In Kingfishers, we will be having a weekly Oracy Challenge so that we can talk about different topics. This will take place during show and tell. If you would like to prepare for this over the weekend, this week’s topic will be sports! You could talk about your favourite sports person, a team you support, a sport you like to do or a new sport you’ve tried.
You can still upload photos to Teams or bring something that you will use to help you talk about the topic.
It has been a fantastic first week back in Kingfishers.
In phonics this week:
Year 1 have been looking at alternative phonemes for c (ck, k, qu, x) and oy (oi).
Year 2 have been exploring adding suffixes: -ing/-ed to cvc and ccvc words, -er, -y and -est to cvc and cvcc words, -tion and -ture.
This week we have used our learning about Little Red Riding Hood to plan and write our own character description as a Wanted Poster. Ask your child/ren which character was wanted for the crime and why.
We have been exploring shapes in Maths and discovering how to describe the position of 2D shapes. We looked at the vocabulary full turn, half turn, quarter turn and three-quarter turn. We will use this vocabulary next week when we are starting to learn how to tell the time.
In RE, we explored our new key question: Do we need shared special places? We discussed what a special place is and decided on a special place to us. Here are our special places:
We sorted a range of animal diets into Herbivores, Carnivores and Omnivores in Science and discussed why that diet belonged to that group.
After creating our own mat to use, we planned, programmed and debugged Beebots to reach a point on our mat in Computing this week.