Week ending 16.06.2023

This week we started the week with many tales of thunder storms and zig-zag lightning that were seen over the weekend. The start of this week saw us back to being bathed in absolute gorgeous sunshine and high temperatures! We have certainly been feeling hot hot hot (singing the song as I type).

What a Monday morning we had with our new gymnastics class! We learnt the different poses for boys and girls and as we warmed up to music, we were soon on our way to some gymnastic poses! From the plank to learning how to roll backwards and then go into the standing position, we can’t wait to see what next Monday brings!

This week reception have been busy securing their understanding of number, continuing to use our Rekenreks to develop their counting skills up to 10. On Tuesday we went on a treasure hunt, working in pairs with one of them finding either 6 or 8 objects and their partner checking by counting the collected objects.

Tuesday brought yet more sunshine, and in the afternoon we had lots of fun using our design and technology skills to make a moving part on a very special card (which will be given to someone special this Sunday). The children really enjoyed sharing their experiences of what their Dad’s favorite hobbies are “he likes playing tricks on me the best”, “he plays Rugby with me and in a team” and even letting out some Dad secrets “he falls asleep outside in the chair!”. It was so lovely to see the detail that the children added to their cards “Mrs Brown can you see my car see strap? It looks like a banana doesn’t it!”

At the end of Tuesday, we were delighted to finish the day with a wonderful video of Year One performing the harmony that they had created, we were simply blown away by it, we hope you are too. Danielle was overjoyed and explained that she very rarely sees this level of understanding, timing and talent in a Year 1 group!

Throughout the rest of the week, we have been finishing off our drawings of impressive structures, programming the BeeBots, mark making, cutting and sticking, junk modelling, learning about fractions, shapes, outdoor learning, phonics, forest school and so much more!

And finally……only 4 more days left for Ms. Reynolds. We will give her a lovely Robins send off on Thursday but also want to take this opportunity to say “Thank you Ms. Reynolds” we wish you all the very best for the next part of your teaching journey.

To all the Dads, Grandads, special people who take on the role of Dad and all the special people who take on the role of both Mum and Dad - have a wonderful day on Sunday!