Every morning we have a ‘check in’ with each child, they put their feeling flower in the flower pot, order their lunches and sing the days of the week and the months of the year song. After two shorter weeks, we were all ready to be able to finally put the star onto Monday and what a start to the week we had!
Reception started the week by practising their counting skills but this time…..backwards! On Monday we created our own Numberblocks rockets, 5 4 3 2 1 blast off! We took this even further and created our very own number track, counting backwards from ten all the way to zero!
On Monday afternoon the room was filled with the aroma of baking as Reception launched the Gingerbread bake off and had a go at making their very own Gingerbread man!
“Run run as fast as you can you can’t catch me, I’m the Gingerbread Man!” Luckily just like the Fox we did catch them and what a relief as we then got to decorate them, making them even more delicious!
We even made some Gingerbread Bunnies for Year 1
This week our Reception children have been really interested in sorting the animals and there has been much deliberations about where different animals live.
“The penguins live in the cold, it’s the Arctic Mrs Brown”
“Is that a dolphin? (to which I replied yes) Then it lives in the sea”
“Raaarrrhhh, it’s a lion! They live on the land”
When Reception wasn’t busy being explorers of the world, they spent a lot of their time cooking up a storm in the kitchen. From baking cookies to running a vegetable café, Robins were ready to take anyone’s food order who came their way!
On Tuesday afternoon the moment had come for Year 1 to put their designing into action and begin making their very own Alebrijes (Imaginary animals). I was once again blown away by their concentration as they put different materials together, thinking carefully about their design. We also learnt a very handy trick for attaching tubes to boxes, who knew cutting lines around the bottom and fanning out the pieces would help us so much!
On Wednesday - we had Forest School, we were using our sense of hearing. Mhari (I was very impressed) had an app on her phone which not only recorded the sound of the birds but identified them too - we heard a chiff chaff, pigeon and blackbird, as well as a few children who made some bird like noises - they were really easy to identify!!!! As usual we explored the Forest School area, we also had a turn in the hammock and tasted nettle tea! Click on the photos below to see us in action.
Year One have started to explore the concept of time and worked really hard on Thursday to begin ordering events in chronological order and were able to use language such as first, next, then and finally to discuss their morning routine!
We said ‘Bonjour’ on Thursday afternoon as we learnt how to say the name of 2D shapes and colours in French. From ‘cercle rose’ to ‘rectangle bleu’, we rose to the challenge and found them all! We even got a chance to colour in our very own shape château!
It was lovely to be joined by Year 5 on Thursday afternoon for PE and Robins loved having them help us develop our racket skills, despite finding it tricky at first all the children ended the day having been able to hit the ball successfully!
Finally on Friday…the sun was shining and James the photographer (for our new webiste….watch this space….coming soon) was in and ready to take plenty of action shots. Robins did what Robins do best - learn through play. We had the play doh, water, mud kitchen, sand, den building, bikes, wood work - in fact we got it all out “This is the best day ever, we have got everything out on the same day” said Macy. We took a deep breath when it was time to tidy up, however, we need not have worried as the children were fantastic, everyone got stuck in and played their part - team work at its best!