Week ending 08.07.2022

This week we welcomed our new intake for September which means that almost a year ago we were welcoming our current EYFS children in for their first visits – my goodness, a year – it has flown by!

The current Robins rose to the occasion, they took their time to carefully explain things to the new children, they supported them, they played with them, they shared with them and best of all they cared for them. Robins you were the perfect role models. The new intake in return were perfect ‘guests’ they played, they shared, they got involved with everything on offer and best of all they cared too. We cannot wait for the new children to join us in September.

We continued our afternoon learning with our usual phonics, reading, maths, French, Pantomimus, plus we went to Trindledown (we had to tick off from our list, the animals as we spotted them and write their names!) we took part in some very lively Indian Dancing and finished the week off in the cool shade of the Forest School.

Jess talked to us about some traditional Indian clothing such as the Sal wa Kameez, Sari and Lengha - an ankle length skirt which Jess was wearing.She also wore a bindi.

Have a great weekend - see you all on Monday