Week ending 28.01.2022

Let us start off with something fun! As you will have seen on Mrs Stephenson’s page, each class is introducing a “I wonder if” challenge…. so here is Robins challenge for this weekend…

Weekend “I wonder if” challenge….

I wonder if you can make your own sandwich.

Please send photos in either through Teams or in an email to the office or print them out and bring them in – we will celebrate all the challenges in our whole school worship every Tuesday.

Another busy week has flown by with so much going on – we really did fill the week with lots of new learning – there is a lot to read this week so you might need to put aside 5 minutes and get yourself a cuppa!

First, I have to say that the reading has really taken off. Thank you for supporting the reading at home too, it makes such a difference. At the end of each weekly page I outline the sounds for the upcoming week and I can tell that many of you have talked to your children about these sounds in advance as when I introduce the sounds the children are super excited to demonstrate that they already know the sound! Pre learning at its best!

Mrs. Simpson Jones and Mrs. Stockwell have also been in this week as volunteer readers, again, this is a tremendous support and the children get so much from it. If you would like to become a volunteer reader in our school, please do let us know – we welcome your support.

We also had some new learning support this week from Mrs. Powell and Mrs. Liddiard. Following on from the introduction of our role play Doctor’s surgery, Mrs. Powell came in to talk to us about what goes on in a real doctor’s surgery. We all listened carefully and were introduced to some medical equipment with very challenging vocabulary…..

Otoscope - torch for looking in ears

Ophthalmoscope - torch for looking in eyes

Pulse oximeter - for measuring oxygen levels on finger

Tendon hammer - for checking reflexes

Sphygmomanometer – for checking blood pressure  

I was delighted to hear and see some of these items being introduced in our role play Doctor’s surgery.

Also, Mrs, Liddiard came in to help us make some bird feeders as this weekend is The Big Garden Birdwatch– some children were reluctant at first to get their hands stuck in but it turned out to be the most fun part – squashing, squishing and squeezing! Mrs. Liddiard also shared images of birds in her garden captured on her trap camera – we don’t have a trap camera in school but it won’t stop us heading outside and spotting birds with some ‘special’ binoculars – more will be revealed next week! I wonder how many different birds you will spot this weekend.

In other areas of learning, we got out on the balance bikes and introduced a challenge whereby the confident riders were able to weave in and out of some cones – not everyone wanted to do the challenge but that is ok as we all learn how to master things at different times – we all have the same opportunities though, the challenge will be there every session so that when children feel ready, they can go for it!

We also had a ‘worm island’ in our outside learning. I am still not quite sure what a worm island is but I think it is where worms go on their holiday! Some of the children made a hotel for themselves (out of crates) they talked about going upstairs (so stacked the crates up to make the desired effect). They were designing, problem solving, collaborating and so much more. Then they needed a ramp and picked up a plank of wood only to discover lots of woodlouse and worms underneath and just like that the learning went off in a different direction, these worms needed a holiday having been under the wood – they needed to get away somewhere hot and sunny (don’t we all) and therefore Worm Island was created in a giant spinning top complete with a handwritten sign.

As mentioned in the newsletter, we are having a running track installed. Work started this week right outside our area. There is nothing better that having the children check the progress every day and hear their excitement as they see it taking shape.

Outside Robins……

Checking the progress every lunch time…..

Outside Red Kites…….

Taking shape! (same area as above photo)

On Friday Mrs Crawshaw continued our RE learning “Is the word God special?” and this week more children brought in their special items. We had special protective clothiing to be worn when riding a motor bike, photos of special family members, a very special snow globe and a special favourite toy.

The children also really enjoyed making cheese strings on Friday….with some help from the Red Kites. The Red Kites did themselves, their class and the school proud. They were supportive, positive role models who really encouraged our younger pupils to be the best they could be and to have a go which is our learning power this term.

 Next week

In Phonics next week we will be focussing on the sounds h, b, f, ff. You might want to support this learning with some pre learning at home – can you think of words starting with the sound……h, can you spot ff in your reading book – where is it in the word – beginning, middle end?

Sounds taught so far

s a t p i n m d g o c k ck e u r

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.