Week ending 01.10.2021

Week 5 - Term 1

Hello October – you crept up on us rather quickly!

This week……

We welcomed Rachel and Lucy from Lambourn Dental Surgery into the classroom, it has been a long time since we have been able to have visitors inside school so we were delighted when they agreed to come and see us to talk about importance of oral hygiene. The children in Robins were amazing – they were eager to put their hand up to answer questions about healthy eating and tooth brushing. When asked if they knew how long they should be brushing their teeth for each day, answers varied from 2 seconds to 7 hours! The actual time recommended is 2 minutes which just so happens to be the length of the song ‘Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious’ so all the children participated in dry toothbrushing along to the tune.


In Phonics, we recapped on sounds s,a,t and were introduced to i, we also played some sound games to support our ‘rhythm and rhyme’ learning – if you would like to borrow any of the games, please ask as we have a bank of resources specifically for you to use at home.


In Maths, we started our unit of learning ‘Just Like Me’. The children were able to explore and match objects which were the same and were asked questions such as can you find one exactly like mine?  How do you know it’s the same?  Can you find one different to mine?  Why is this one not like mine? If you would like to do some activities at home to support this learning, you can play games such as Snap or you might want to ask your child to help sort the socks in the laundry (I have always found it useful to get an extra pair of hands to help……I ask my own two children to read this page each week so I know they are reading this part now and rolling their eyes!).

sorting by colour

sorting by colour

sorting by shape

sorting by shape

On Friday Mrs Crawshaw and Mrs Wild encouraged the children to think about Autumn, the changes in the weather and the colours we see outside as the seasons and months change. The children were super excited to tell me that they were using their fingers to paint and I stood back and watched them as they smiled and laughed and simply enjoyed their learning and thought about this quote….

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“Autumn colours remind us we are all one dancing in the wind.”
― Lorin Morgan-Richards

and of course, we still do our fine motor activities every day……..



Next week…….

We are heading off on our farm visit on Wednesday…..please send in a pair of wellies if you have not done so already.

We will be starting to learning about Rosa Parkes as part of Black History Month.

We will learn letter sound p as in parrot in Phonics and introduce alliteration….same sound at the beginning of closely connected words -  six sausages sizzling in the pan and will continue sorting and matching in Maths but this time trying to spot the odd one out in a set.

And finally, looking forward to seeing you all throughout the week during parent evening appointments.

Have a lovely weekend, despite the wet weather, and see you all on Monday.