Spring 2 Wk 4


On Wednesday, we took a group of Red Kites up to Newbury Rugby Club for the Tag Rugby Festival. The children were super excited and played brilliantly! We saw great speed, agility and team work. Well done!


This term we are focusing on how Jesus sacrificed himself and what this looks like in Christianity. We used the Bible’s to explore stories and quotes; The Passover, Hebrews 13:15, 1 John 2:2 and other passages. We had some interesting conversations around this.


In History, we continued our learning of the Transatlantic Slave Trade where we started learning all about the beginning of how slavery was abolished. We used historical evidence and secondary sources to develop our understanding.

What is evolution?

The children have written excellent non chronological reports about evolution. Their sentence structures are really coming on and this has been an excellent opportunity to use adjectives and adverbs in non-fiction writing. Today the children typed up their work!

Next week, we will begin taking year 6 up to Chaddleworth for our SATs preparation! Have a great weekend, Miss O