Friday, 29th April

The Red Kites have had their busiest week yet! We welcomed Miss Carter, who is working full time as a Teaching Assistant, and also Mrs Hunter who is working on Wednesdays and Fridays.

The Year 6 have been visitng Chaddleworth in preparation for thier SATs while the Year 5 have been continuing thier learning with Mrs Simpson-Jones. In one week, we have learnt about parenthesis, bullet point lists and how to please a pupil with a remarkable ‘Pupil Pleaser’ that even does your homework! This is the teacher version:

Not only that but we have worked out decimal, fraction and percentage equivalents - we talked about 100% being the whole, everything…so everything else is less than the whole, less than one.

And we had a fantastic talk from one of our parents, who very kindly came in to talk about Brazil - the children are comparing Brazil to the United States of America, having heard Ivan talk about Texas.

Our trip to the Sikh gurdwara is being organised - watch this space!

Have a lovely weekend - keeeeeep revising Year 6!

Year 5 - your ‘Weekend Wonder’ is to have a think about what makes the United Kingdom the United Kingdom! How is it similar to Brazil? The USA? Different?