Wow! What a lovely start to the new school year. It has been fantastic to welcome everyone back.
A few things to remember:
-our PE days are Monday and Friday (Friday’s session is Forest School)
-please bring a water bottle every day
-reading books must come into school every day
-library books are changed once a week (our library day is now Thursday)
This week the Kingfishers have been enjoying our new story, ‘Dear Earth’. We created actions to help us to retell the story and have started to write our own retelling using a storyboard. We’ll share these with you next week.
In Maths, we explored the composition of numbers using dienes, cubes and rekenreks to support our understanding. We then represented this in a part-whole model. Next week, we will be exploring what each of the digits mean.
In Science, we discussed everything we know about Everyday Materials and any questions we had. We recapped the difference between an object and a material, and showed our understanding by finding objects around the classroom and labelling the material they’re made with.
In Art, we explored different materials around the classroom that they could use for art and we concluded that you can use anything to make art. We went on a scavenger hunt for natural resources and we used these items to make our own art. We have hedgehogs, houses, portraits, rabbits, nests, bug hotels and even Christmas trees.