A Weekend Wonder:
If you fancy a challenge this weekend, why not see how many different types of animals you can find! This could be a photo, a drawing or a model of an animal. Don’t forget to upload your pictures to the Teams assignment or bring a it in ready for show and tell on Tuesday 3rd May!
Show and Tell will be on Tuesday 3rd May since we are not in on Monday for the bank holiday.
It has been a lovely first week back and we have been exploring our new topics.
We have been very impressed with how well Kingfishers have applied their phonics to their learning this week.
Year 1 have been looking at alternative phonemes for i, o, c and g.
Year 2 have been recapping changing the meaning of the root word by adding a suffix.
Our new story for this term is Little Red Riding Hood and this week we have been learning the original version of the story through role play, puppets and sequencing.
We have also been exploring 2D shapes in maths and discovering how to describe, sort and make patterns with different 2D shapes. Next week we will explore 3D shapes and make comparisons between 2D and 3D shapes.
The title of this blog links to our computing lesson. Miss Rignall challenged Kingfishers to come up with an algorithm to make a jam sandwich. Kingfishers quickly discovered that their algorithm needed to be precise and specific when Miss Rignall literally scooped up the jam with her hand. We eventually told Miss Rignall a very precise and specific algorithm to make a jam sandwich.