Week ending 28.04.2023

As we zoom towards the end of April, Robins have yet again impressed us with their enthusiasm when taking on new activities. In our English sessions, Year One began exploring the world of reading comprehensions and have wowed us with their perseverance when answering questions about something they have seen or read. Why not have a go at using some of these question starters at home?

completing the reading comprehension independendently

In Maths Reception have been busy exploring the number 6! They continue to develop their subitising skills (seeing the quantity without counting) in increasingly complex arrangements and enjoyed going on a number 6 hunt, finding 6 objects to place on their collection sheet which also happened to be the number 6!

knowing the difference between a statement and a question

Year 1 continued to build upon their knowledge of place value within 100. This week we moved onto looking at number lines to 100 and became number detectives when some of the numbers went missing!

Can you work out the missing numbers?

On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday we continued to explore number lines and used this to support us when working out 1 more or 1 less than a number to 100. We used Base 10 to help us with understanding of how to represent the number and discussed this with our learning partners!

Whilst Year One were busy being detectives, Reception were exploring our rainforest area and the outside environment. The daily conversations that take place fascinate me and it is an absolute joy to be part of their learning.

Wheeeeeee……look the doll is using the sewing table as a trampoline!

Water play, pouring, measuring, control……

Building a house for a ‘millionaire’

Obstacles courses were built…….(great team work)

Filling to the top….and emptying it all too!

Every brick laid had to be carefully checked!

On Tuesday afternoon, Year One continued with their new art topic and were all very excited when the junk modelling came out, yes this was the week we could let our imagination run wild…..we were each going to make an imaginary animal sculpture! We thought of our two favourite animals and merged them into one! From cats with legs like a giraffe to dogs with the features of a pig, we showed just how amazing our imaginations are! Reception children also explored some art techniques, dipping marbles in paint and rolling them around in a tray, left, right, forwards, backwards even diagonally! Click below to see our photos.

On Thursday in French, we were making a Chateau, we are really good now at being able to say all our colours in French!

Also on Thursday just as we were about to go outside for PE, it started to rain…..and rain…..and rain. Perhaps it was just a coincidence that we had also just finished reading the story of Noah’s Ark in our RE lesson! We quickly changed our plans and had indoor PE instead….it is so hard to take photos of PE as the children never stand still long enough!

And then finally….it was Friday - we love a bit of alliteration - we now have Fish Finger Friday and Forest School Friday! We were making dens, mud pies, see saws, climbing, hunting for different textures, team building, talking, laughing, exploring, being curious and so much more……..we even spotted a frog!

Have a wonderful bank holiday weekend and see you all on Tuesday.