Week ending 24.03.2023

Thank you so much for the kind messages that we received regarding the Mother’s Day surprises - we just wished you had been able to see the effort and love that the children put into ensuring they were very unique and very special. Don’t forget to let us know when the sunflowers start to grow!

This week, across the whole school, it has been assessment week, just checking in on all the learning that has taken place so far this year. It also gives us a moment to really feel proud of what these young children have achieved so far and to know that in the years ahead they will continue to go from strength to strength, they are already showing a love of learning. Again, we cannot take all the credit for this, we thank you for all your support too.

But it wasn’t just assessments all week….oh no, we made sure we had a fair amount of fun too! So, if you did not make it to the Samba Dance performance on Thursday (it was very well attended) or even if you did and thought it was so good that you want to watch it agin, sit back and enjoy….even you Mrs Brown as you have not seen this yet!

How the week unfolded……

With the help of the wind, we have sailed through the week and cannot believe that there is only one week left until we break up for Easter!

Our Reception children continued to build upon their knowledge of how to sort objects according to different criterias. They explored a range of objects and were encouraged to notice different attributes in groups of objects including colour, size and also functions, describing what they saw and how we could use this to sort the objects.

“You can put all the yellow ones together.”

“We can put the ones that fly together.”

It was wonderful to see how far the children have come in their ability to recognise both similarities and differences, using these to then sort. They were also able to answer questions about how the objects had been sorted by the adult, great job Reception!

In our Design and Technology lesson this week, we continued to explore what makes a healthy wrap and moved onto designing our own wraps. The children were all able to draw diagrams and label them, thinking carefully about what ingredients they could use to ensure their wraps were healthy. We even got the chance to taste a seeded wrap so that we could make a decision about which one we could use, the sounds of ‘mmmm’ soon showed how we all felt about this wrap!

The children have simply loved exploring a wide range of toys and have all had different favourites along the way, from a spinning top to a yoyo, we all found our own favourite toy from the past. This week once again we were transported back in time and this week we focused on toys from the Victorian period of history and had a go at making our own cup and ball. After decorating our cups, we then needed to create a hole at the base of our cup, threading through string that had a knot at the end and then using rolled up tinfoil to create our very own ball! It was lovely to see every child’s face light up as they managed to get their ball into their cups, we are definitely pros in the making!

Whilst Year One explored toys from the past, Reception were busy being budding artists and creating their own Three Little Pig paintings, selecting their favourite picture from the story, and using paints to recreate it. They all worked extremely hard to select appropriate colours for each of the characters, using increased control with their paint brushes to make meaningful and recognisable marks.

Both Reception and Year 1 have been learning about the story of Easter. We have reading books and creating scenes (see books and scene creation below) then using props to help us retell the story in our own words. You will be able to see and hear us perform our retelling in the Easter service next week.

And finally…….we ended the week with another performance in front of a well attended school hall. This time it was a music performance. We were entertained by children who sang, played the drums, saxophone, ukulele, piano and guitar. If anyone has been inspired to pursue music tuition, please let the office know and we will signpost you in the right direction.

We could not sign off this week without showing you a clip of the youngest pupil who participated in the music performance……and yes, it is one of our very own Robins!

Have a wonderful weekend and see you all on Monday