Week ending 04.11.2022

Dance workshop and performance

I will update this page shortly with more of our learning from this week, however, our Bollywood dance workshop on Thursday was so fantastic, it deserves a mention all of its own!!!! For those of you who could not make it to the ‘showcase performance’ at the end of the day and for those of you who did make it but would love to see it again - here is a recording of one of the rehearsals.

Turn the volume up high and watch with your child….I bet they get up and repeat the live performance for you….go for it!!!!!


We need your help!!!!!

If you can cast your mind back to before the half term holidays and if you were in our Harvest Worship, you will have heard us talking about the fuits and vegetables that we grow on the school site. These things don’t just happen, they happen because somebody takes the time to nurture and care for the crops. Over the last few years, in Robins, we have been extremely lucky to have had the support from Mrs Liddiard who has regularly come into school to support the Robins children in planting and tending to our very own little garden area. We have tasted the delights of potatoes, strawberries, tomatoes and more, we have grown lavender, thyme, fennel, chives etc. Mrs Liddiard is also amazing at cooking and I am sure you will all agree that the apple crumble that the children recently brought home using the apples from the school trees, were delicious!

We have an area in our Robins outside space (see below) that we would really like to develop into another ‘garden’ area. If you would like to help us develop this area please let us know, we welcome your thoughts and support!

A bit more about our learning…...

It has been so lovely welcoming all the children back after the half term and hearing all about their adventures! We didn’t let the wet weather dampen our spirits on Tuesday and the children were fascinated by the force of the wind, watching the Autumn leaves swirl around our playground whilst enjoying a few moments of sunshine before the rain reappeared!

This week Reception explored the number four, using the number blocks to help them explore the different shapes they could make with four cubes. It was fantastic to see how engaged all the children were and how carefully they thought about which shapes they could make, whilst ensuring they were different from the shapes they had already made.

In the rainforest Mrs Brown was made a warming soup, consisting of mushrooms, tomatoes, peas, kidney beans and yes of course pineapple and strawberries! “Would you like ketchup or mustard in it?” to which I of course replied “Ketchup”, luckily only a small amount was added!

We also continued to enjoy exploring our loose parts area with some fantastic faces being created! “Look at my face, you’ll be amazed by it”

On Tuesday afternoon we also loved discussing our experiences of Fireworks and even got to interactively watch a mini firework display. The children then used chalks to recreate a firework display above the silhouette of the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben. We had everything from rockets to swirls of colours exploding in the night sky! Year One even had a go at creating a simple pop-up spring to give the impression of a firework exploding off their page.

We also continued with our daily phonics teaching and learning, our reading, our free flow, our PE, our computer, our worships, our History topic learning about Guy Fawkes, our free flow activities…..how do we fit it all in Robins!!!!

I am sure many of you will be heading out this weekend (fingers crossed it’s not too wet or too cold) to watch some fireworks - please stay safe.

Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday