Week ending 07.10.2022

As we seem to have jumped straight in to October, I think we all agree that a few mornings this week some of us were caught out without our coats (I am including myself in this!!!!) those chillly mornings crept up on us didn’t they!!!!. Please can we remind you that as the temperatures are dropping slightly (and we still do outdoor learning no matter how cold it gets), it is a good idea to start getting back into the habit of brining in a warm coat every day.

Whilst on the subject of ‘housekeeping’ please can we also remind you that P.E kits need to be in school every Monday and are brought home every Friday. Library books are returned every Thursday, Reading books, Reading Records and Home / School link books are brought in daily and any reading that has taken place has been recorded - even if the same book has been read 10 times - write a comment about each read - we love to know how things are going.

This week…….

As another week draws to a close the children have been exploring the Autumnal changes around them. In Art we continued to explore using nature to create pieces of Land Art, exploring the school grounds, and using our collections to create large pieces of Art. Each group thought of a name for their creations, discussing what their art represented.

This week in Maths the children have started to explore how to represent numbers using objects, with Year One using ten frames to represent how many there are in a group and Reception using Numicon and threading beads to represent a number. Year One showed good recognition of numbers 1 to 10 and even started to recognise numbers as words!

Reception have loved exploring the Playdoh this week in our rainforest, making pancakes and cookies including “sweetie” pancakes and butterfly cookies! They explored using the different tools to roll, cut and shape their sweet treats and even added toppings to their pancakes already for eating…yummy! When we weren’t busy cooking up a Playdoh feast, we were flying to the moon on our Lego rockets…whoosh!

Suddenly it was Wednesday and time for our Welly Walk! As we made our way up to the church we talked about all the different things we noticed along the way, from vehicles, “A Volvo…..oh wow there’s a boat next to it!” to places that we recognised such as our homes and the Preschool. We even bumped into the Preschool on our way back and got invited in for Hot Chocolate on our next walk - get those mugs out ready for us Denise - we won’t be neededing to be asked twice- we accept the offer! As we walked along the paths and tracks, we spotted some rather smelly clues that horses had also been for their Wednesday Welly Walk! When we made it to the church we enjoyed a quiet moment of reflection, before enjoying being serenaded to the sounds of ‘This little light of mine’, which some of us then sang all the way back to school!

As we headed towards the end of the week, one of the most important dates in our school calendar was upon us. Yes Friday was an important days for the children in Red Kites. They put themselves forward to take on leadership roles within the school. Positions up for grabs included Eco Warriors, Digi Leaders, Sports Leaders, Arts Leaders, Singing Leader, Shadow House Captains and two new roles - Vision Leader and Mental Health Ambassador. I have been teaching in this school for several years and I have to be honest and say this was one of the best “Speeches Day” that I have had the privilege of being in, the children all spoke clearly, confidently, were inspiring and engaging - Red Kites, you did yourselves proud and you did the school proud! I still have a smile on my face as I am typing this - you certainly made an impact today.

Phonics next week…..

EYFS will be learning sounds

c k e u r

Tricky words - no, go

Year 1 will be learning sounds

ou (out) au (Paul) oe (toe) oy (boy) ew (new)

Tricky words - looked, Mrs

Have a great weekend and see you all on Monday