Week ending 14.01.2022

In Robins, one of our ‘goals’ is for all children to become a Master of Maths who can show a deep understanding of numbers to 10, recognise patterns within the number system, subitise, compare quantities and recall number bonds to 5.

This week we were investigating the threeness of three and the fourness of four…..what does that look like? Take a look at the photos to find out more.

We looked at 3 objects and how we could ‘arrange’ them in an area – we chose a square frame. Some Robins arranged their three objects in a straight line and said 1 and another 1 and another 1 makes 3, some arranged them in a diagonal line and said 3 + 0 makes 3, some arrangements showed the three objects being made up of 2 on top and 1 underneath – saying 2 + 1 makes 3, we explored all the different ways of making and arranging 3. We then repeated the activity with 4 – using multilink (new vocabulary), again some made a straight tower of 4 and said 4 + 0 makes 4, 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 makes 4, some made a square, 2 + 2 more, some made a tower of 3 +1 on the side to make an ‘L’ shape – all children were able to learn independently and explain their understanding to others – it was fantastic!

This week, we started to learn our new poem – A Little House, it is an eight line poem so it is taking a bit longer to learn but we understand that some challenges take a bit longer to overcome!

We welcomed Ms. Rynolds to our class this week. We also started to retell our key story this term The Three Billy Goats Gruff. Ms. Reynolds supported us in our retelling of the story using puppets and props, we even made a bridge big enough for people to walk over – we tested it and thankfully, even though we were warned the bridge was rickety (new vocabulary again!), the bridge did not collapse and we were all safe. Over the next few weeks we will start to learn the story off by heart with actions.

In Show and Tell this week we had medals and trophies, rings and hats! Please feel free to send videos and photos in either through Teams or bring the actual object in, the more we have the richer the session. The children are becoming confident communicators listening carefully, asking relevant questions and using new vocabulary.

And finally….what a way to end the week – with a whole afternoon in Forest School, Mrs Crawshaw tells me they had a fantastic time – I think we can clearly see that from their faces.

Next Week

In Phonics next week we will be focussing on the sounds g, o, c, k. You might want to support this learning with some pre learning at home – can you think of words starting with the sound…….g, can you spot c in your reading book – where is it in the word – beginning, middle end?

Have a lovely weekend and see you all on Monday.