Term ending 17.12.2021

Well if we thought Term 1 was exciting we certainly stepped it up a gear for Term 2, with our leaning power Be cooperative and our Christian Value Compassion. 

Just some of the learning we covered……

·       Weekly welly walks

·       Celebrating Bonfire Night and making indoor sparklers

·       Remembrance Day Service

·       Making poppies using clay

·       Sewing a button onto felt poppies

·       Celebrating St Andrew’s Day – making porridge and shortbread

·       Sharing weekly worships with Kingfishers

·       Visiting Wantage Museuem

·       Topsy Turvy Day

·       Celebrating and decorating our own Christingles

·       Christmas jumper Day

·       Reindeer Run

·       Wrapping presents in the Elves workshop

·       Writing Christmas lists

·       Making Christmas cards – sewing on the tinsel

·       Making Christmas decorations to take home

·       Contributing to the decorations on the village Christmas tree

·       Eating the most wonderful Christmas lunch

·       Starring in our very own evening Nativity performance

·       ……and even having a visit from Santa 

Take a look below to see some of it in action!    

Before we sign off for 2021, we would like to wish you all

a restful, peaceful and Merry Christmas. 

Thank you for all your support – it is very much appreciated. 

See you in the New Year 

Mrs Higgins

Mrs Crawshaw

Mrs Langford

Mrs Wild