Week ending 19.11.2021

Term 2 

Week 3 

As part of our morning carpet session, we take a look at the BBC weather forecast for the day. We discuss which four countries make up the United Kingdom then locate Scotland, England, Wales and Northern Ireland on the map. Using the search box, we type in Great Shefford and then we talk about the weather. We have widened our vocabulary to include words such as temperature, degrees, sunny intervals etc but most importantly we need to look at the weather to decide if we will need coats on during outdoor learning! I can’t quite believe that we are heading into our last full week in November and temperatures have been quite mild and we have very much taken advantage of that! You might wish to support this learning at home by checking the weather forecast on the weekends with your child – let us know how they get on!

What our outdoor learning looks and sounds like……..

digging, moulding, scooping

pouring with control, using a funnel and spout

Exporing the dinosaur habitat

poetry and song performances on the stage!

Mark making

using ladle spoons to carry the water

transporting using a small pot

Just as we said we would, we headed back to Chaddleworth this week to lay our poppies at the war memorial. It was a very special, silent moment and one which I think will stay with the children for a long time. We headed up to St Andrew’s Church, went inside and sat down and took a moment to reflect on why we had just laid the poppies. “Can I say a prayer” asked one child spontaneously – well if you had been there you would have experienced the goosebumps that myself, Mrs. Langford and Mrs. Wild experienced. A moment of awe and wonder which inspired other to want to say a prayer too. Thank you Robins, you really are so very special.

Saying a prayer in St Andrew’s Church

joined by others who also wanted to say a few words during reflection.

 Anti bullying week

Our focus Christian Value this term is Compassion, recognising a need and taking action. With this in mind anti bullying week brought out the very best in our children. As we read stories and watched videos throughout the week the children were fantastic at identifying when bullying was happening and what action needed to be taken to STOP the bullying.

We asked ourselves the following;

If you see someone being unkind, what do you do?  

· Do you take action?

· Do you join in?

· Do you tell an adult?

· Do you ignore it?

· Do you tell that person to stop? 

We read the amazing and humorous book Willy the Wimp by Anthony Browne and we watched the video clip For The Birds – we all laughed when we watched it first and then we thought about what bullying actually looks like. When we watched the video a second time we could see that perhaps the smaller birds were being unkind to the big bird – we would love you to watch this at home too and reinforce the message that bullying is not ok, not at any time.

Before, we finish the page for this week, please can I ask that you continue to send in any plastic lids you have such as those on top of milk / orange juice cartons and also any odd rolls of wallpaper you have - the brighter the better!

  Have a fantastic weekend and see you all on Monday.