End of week 6

It’s been another busy week here in Red Kites! In maths we have been learning all about statistics and how information is shown in different graphs, tables and charts. The children have had a go creating their own! In writing, the children have worked incredibly hard writing their suspense chapters for The Boy at the Back of the Class. This week we had our first rehearsal with Lixi our Watermill theatre project leader who announced the roles for our performance. It was a fun session and we can’t wait for the performance in June! Keep learning those lines! In RE we acted out stages of the Pentecost.

On Thursday Year 6’s spent the day at FACE adventure site to celebrate their efforts in SATs and bringing their primary school years to a close. They spent the morning den building, and crafting a bow and arrow. The afternoon saw an intense set of laser tag games - watch out for Mr Withers and Mrs Hunter!!! It was a brilliant day had by all.

Have a great weekend, see you on Monday for the final week before half term!

Miss Oram