Last week of term


What a brilliant and busy Spring term it has been, we are racing through the year! This week we have come to the end of our Atlantic Slave Trade learning and wrapped up our RE learning around sacrifice. The children wrote beautiful poems using powerful language. Some were shared during the Easter service at Chaddleworth and read beautifully. We have also shared new recommended reads!

We had a surprise guest join us for our last day of term for our Easter Peg hunt! Thanks Easter Bunny for making our hunt such fun, despite the weather!

After the Easter service, we enjoyed a stroll around the walled garden by the church (and nibbled on some mini eggs!); it was so lovely to have some time together in a beautiful setting, surrounded by new growth and nature. This afternoon, the children enjoyed their craft afternoons. Thank you to parents who came and joined us!

Have a lovely break,

Miss Oram