Our learning this week:
“This week we have used multiples and unitising to divide fractions by integers in maths.”
“This week we have been doing writing and in writing we have been writing about Isaac Newton.”
“This week I liked doing art, we painted the other half of a painting by Turner.
“This week we have been talking about Sikhism and how they do things differently from Christians and that they have rules to their belief.”
“This week I enjoyed English when we wrote our autobiographical stories.”
“I enjoyed doing gymnastics because it was fun. I also enjoyed making a routine with my partner. It was quite fun!”
“I enjoyed making a map of an Anglo-Saxons village and it was fun.”
“This week I have enjoyed learning art when we was panting a half of painting. ”
This weeks weekend wonder:
Can you watch the sunrise or sunset? What does it make you think of? Does it make you reflect? Does it make you wonder? Could you sketch it? Could you paint it in the style of Van Gogh or Turner? Could you write a poem about it?