Friday 21st December

This week we have been learning:

We have been learning about the 5Ks in Sikhism, I knew there were 5Ws in writing and now I know the 5 Ks in RE too.
— TE
I was surprised when I learned that Britons were so weak that they had to ask the Angles, Jutes and Saxons for help.
— JQ
I was surprised when I learned that Scots weren’t originally from Scotland!
— RR
I learned that although the Jutes existed in History because there’s little evidence about them, they after often forgotten about… I’d forgotten about them until I saw J on the vocabulary wall which reminded me .
— Quote Source
I learned how to find common multiples when trying to find common denominators to add or subtract fractions.
— CA
I enjoyed learning about Roald Dahl’s life reading Going Solo.
— LH
I learned how to find mixed numbers using bar modelling.
— WR
I enjoyed learning how to play the keyboard.
— EK
I learned more about gravity and how air resistance acts against it.
— RH
I learned some of the effects of air resistance. When you run with a sheet of paper it gives more resistance.
— LS
I enjoyed learning how to sketch reflections using water and little green lid boats.
— MB