Friday 1st October

This week we were all excited to be back from our adventures at Culmington

We enjoyed doing the great hand washing experiment and learning how if we don’t wash our hands thoroughly germs can cling to our skin! We saw this under UV light. We also learned how easy it is for germs to spread if we don’t frequently wash our hands.

We also enjoyed learning about all the different roles and responsibilities we could have within our school and the difference we could make in our school community and began writing speeches so that we can be elected democratically for these roles.


Of course we enjoyed reflecting on our week at Culmington and looking at all of the photographs. We began thinking how best we could share our stories and time there with others.


As it’s October and Black History Month we linked our learning about how to recognise prejudice and discrimination whilst discussing the apartheid.

We also thought about our Big Question ‘Can you be courageous and frightened at the same time?’ and if it links to any of our learning:

I think you can be courageous and frightened at the same time. Being frightened is part of being courageous. This was shown when Nelson Mandela advocated for black lives and rights, but didn’t know what the white people at the time would do to it. That’s pretty scary and brave to me!
— Red Kites